say it aint’ so Joe!

Gosh Doggonit, There you go Joe..have to go on TV and walk the McCain talking point, pretending to be Joe the undecided..Man..why won’t Republicans do some research before they trot out people..and Main Stream Media – Let’s get the story straight on Joe the Plumber ok? He was never the undecided you all tried to portray him to be..he is a hardcore conservative put on the spot to pretend he is middle class American

1. Joe the Plumber or Joe the businessman – Apparently he wants to buy a business that will pay him – ta ta da! – $250,000 – Dang, I’m in the wrong line of work. I think Joe the Plumber should find out how businesses work and get an accountant to help him avoid taxes like every other rich person. BTW, According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual wage for plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters in the United States in 2007 was $47,350. – Clearly a lot less than the $250,000. Of course, if you believe the lies that John McCain’s supposedly truthful campaign keeps telling, you’ll think the Barack will raise his taxes – a lie debunked by every independent source.

Update: The funny thing here is that he admitted that he will get a bigger tax break under Obama, he just feels bad for all the rich people. It’s just simply not fair for the rich to pay their share! Gosh darn!

I heard this line on the radio today – plumbers are supposed to fix broken and clogged johns right? I guess McCain has found his plumber?’s

2. Joe the Plumber is Joe the Republican. He is a registered Republican and not a undecided voter. He was never undecided and had already made up his mind prior to the debate – surprise wonder he talks the McCain game and walks the McCain walk.

3. Joe the plumber is related to … Charles Keating?!?! yes, THE Charles Keating that John McCain is buddy-buddy with.

“Turns out that Joe Wurzelbacher from the Toledo event is a close relative of Robert Wurzelbacher of Milford, Ohio. Who’s Robert Wurzelbacher? Only Charles Keating’s son-in-law and the former senior vice president of American Continental, the parent company of the infamous Lincoln Savings and Loan.”
LOL – you can’t make this stuff up.

4. Joe the Plumber is apparently Joe the property owner. He owns several houses and two farms. That’s VERY MIDDLE CLASS.

Joe Wurzelbacher of Cincinnati said he’s one of the losers. “They might as well bill me every four months instead of every six months because the increase is about equal to another whole payment,”Wurzelbacher owns a farm in Harmony Township and has several rental houses, so he’s not eligible for the $35,000 homestead exemption. He also owns farmland in Hamilton County, Ohio, one of the most highly taxed counties in that state, but his taxes there are considerably less because Ohio allows farmers to enroll their land in a program that values it at current agricultural value, he said.

5. Joe the … Plumber? It would appear that Joe is not even a licensed Plumber in Ohio..well..that can probably be explained by his multiple properties..he may not live in Ohio or work in Ohio..just visits his many properties..or was planted by FOX Noise? lol
Update: It would appear that Joe the Plumber doesn’t like to obey rules and regulations as well – per Ohio regulations, all person working on plumbing system must be licensed. BTW, the Union for the plumbers are the first to endorse Barack Obama.

So..what does this all mean? I don’t know..judge it for yourself – He has pretty close ties to the McCain campaign and the Republicans, from political affliations to his economic status..He is a supporter of McCain, has always been even before the debate. Was he planted by Fox Noise? If Republican really want to connect with Middle Class America – maybe they should find a real Middle Class American and not another Sarah Falin Palin.

BTW, what’s with the nicknames from the Republicans – do they really think that people go by those names? Joe the Plumbing, Joe Sixpack, Sarah Barracuda, etc. I think we moved on from the Middle Ages, where you call people by the profession and nicknames, like Joseph the Blacksmith.
His 10 minutes are fame are over – let’s get back to real issues facing real American, not the Joe-the-<insert your title> or the Sarah-<insert description> of the world.
I’ll end with this quote from Joe Biden,
“The Joe the plumbers in my neighborhood, the Joe the cops in my neighborhood, the Joe the grocery store owners in my neighborhood — they make, like 98 percent of the small businesses, less than $250,000 a year,” said the Democratic VP nominee. “And they’re going to do very well under us, and they’re going to be in real tough shape under John McCain.”
Update: Apparently, Joe the Plumber is also Joe the tax dodger..From Politico:
According to records from the Lucas County (OH) Court of Common Pleas found by my colleague Avi Zenilman, Samuel J. Wurzelbacher has a lien placed against him to the tune of $1,182.92.
No wonder he is voting for John McCain – he’s found a kinship w/ another tax avoider, John McCain.

2 Responses to “say it aint’ so Joe!”

  1. Smokie!!!!!
    You smoke too much weed.

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