Archive for April, 2008


Posted in Uncategorized on April 30, 2008 by Eric

Hope: You know you want it, you need it and you crave it


Gas Tax Break – Stupid Idea – Updated

Posted in Eric with tags on April 30, 2008 by Eric

John McCain first proposed a 3 month gas tax break a while back. Now, in amidst of rising gas cost, Hillary has decided to adopt the Republican policy that John McCain proposed and is now also calling for a 3 month gas tax vacation (need more proof that she is a Repug?). Finally, a major policy difference between Hillary and Barack. Barack Obama opposes such a tax vacation, calling it “designed to get them through an election” and will not help the consumers.

temporary suspension of the federal gas tax is “designed to get them through an election” and would not help struggling consumers.

Obama said Tuesday, “The easiest thing in the world for a politician to do is tell you exactly what you want to hear.”

Let’s visit the idea of a temporary gas break. The purpose is to suspend the 18.4 cent federal gas tax and 24.4 cent diesel tax from Memorial Day to Labor Day. The intention is to provide some relief to the consumers. Let’s look at the real picture here. [there’s more]

Obama in 30 seconds

Posted in Uncategorized on April 29, 2008 by Eric is hosting an Obama in 30 seconds tv ad contest. It’s down to the finalists. The winner will get their ad air nationally. There are some very talented people out there. [videos after the jump]

if you had my life …

Posted in Uncategorized on April 29, 2008 by Eric

In case you all missed it, which I’m sure you did, Hillary dropped this shocker at a recent campaign stop

“Now, I know there are some people who say, ‘Oh my goodness, she is tough. Well, if you’d had my life you’d be tough, too.”

Let’s see:

Grew up in upper middle class – must be hard to grow up upper middle class
Went to Wellesley
– Must be tough to be a white woman in an women-only school
Yale Law School
– Must be tough to be amongst the affluent white students
Partner at Rose Law Firm
– Six figure salary must sucked
Former First Lady of Arkansas
– Dealing w/ Bill
Former First Lady of the United States of America
– Dealing w/ Bill – enough said
Wrote a book, err I mean took credit for writing – must be hard to let someone else ghostwrite
Net worth of over 100 million dollars – dang, all them taxes
Multiple homes – hard to decide where to stay and imagine the property taxes
Don’t need to drive or buy gas – have to deal w/ a chauffeur..
Oh, i forgot ducking sniper fire in Bosnia with Sinbad and Cheryl Crow – Man, all that incoming fire from students…and having to walk calmly to the base must be hard on her body.

Dang..she is right..I would be tough with her life too

Wright closure?

Posted in Eric with tags , , on April 29, 2008 by Eric

Barack Obama just ended a press conference dealing with the most recent Reverend Wright firestorm. It was clearly difficult for him to have to, in essence, severe ties with a man who has been a part of his private life.

“I have spent my entire adult life trying to bridge the gap between different kinds of people. That’s in my DNA, trying to promote mutual understanding to insist that we all share common hopes and common dreams as Americans and as human beings. That’s who I am, that’s what I believe, and that’s what this campaign has been about,” Obama said.

“I felt as if there was a complete disregard for what the American people are going through and the need for them to rally together to solve these problems. It not is the time for us not to get distracted, now is the time for us to pull together.”

“If Reverend Wright thinks that’s political posturing, as he put it, then he doesn’t know me very well and based on his remarks yesterday, I may not know him as well as I thought either.”

Wright’s words, he said, had been “a show of disrespect to me [and] an insult to what we’re trying to do in this campaign.”

Obama said twice that the remarks made him “angry,” and he suggested Wright was grandstanding.

“What mattered was him commanding center stage,” he said.

[there’s more]

Angry asian man

Posted in Eric with tags on April 28, 2008 by Eric

This is all bullshit, this whirl storm around Reverend Wright. Why is that when a non-white person comes out and speaks forcefully on the issue of race, speak to the truth as they see it and speaks to the power and class struggle of America, they are branded as “angry”? Why is it that Rev. Wright and other non-white Americans need to speak in terms that are not confrontational? Why is it that minorities have to address the public in a non-confrontational and polite manner or be called angry, wild, and radical? How dare the rest of America call Rev. Wright as an angry Black man. How dare they try and ostracize Reverend Wright and yet accept the hatred from White Pastors like John Hagee. How dare they call Reverend Wright as divisive and tolerate the bile comments from Hagee and Tancredo? I am amaze that people can take a speech that is about celebrating differences and use it as a tool to drive a wedge between change and more of the same. [there’s more]

Speechless – I believe a change is coming – Updated w/ Transcript

Posted in Eric with tags , on April 27, 2008 by Eric

UNBELIEVABLE! Reverend Wright delivered an amazing speech at the Detroit NAACP dinner tonight – I’m speechless.
I don’t know what to say except that Rev. Wright is a brilliant man, someone who is not afraid to speak up and tell the truth. As Americans, we would be blessed if Barack Obama was even slightly influenced by this amazing person.

Sorry about the long post w/ the excerpts, but this is something that we need to all read. If you have doubts about Reverend Wright, read this. If you don’t understand where he is coming from, read his speech. If you are afraid, listen to him speak.

Click here to read the transcript of his speech

[excerpts after the jump]

Fanboi – Updated

Posted in Eric with tags , on April 25, 2008 by Eric

Kaptain151 told me that this blog reads like a shrine to Obama and I’m just a fanboi.

According to the Urban Dictionary,

Fanboi – Deliberate mispelling of the word ‘fanboy’ typically referring to an annoying, immature fan of a specific video game console.

fanbois typically spend most of their free time telling anyone who will listen how perfect thier console of choice is, and how inferior all other products are. fanbois will not stop annoying other people until everyone they know is converted to their way of thinking.

LOL..Looks like Kaptain151 is right – I am a fanboi – I just hope I don’t sound immature, annoying is fine, but not immature. I will not stop annoying other people until everyone I know is converted to my way of thinking. MUAHAHAHAHA

What’s a shrine without a photo! So, here you go, one of my favorite photos of Barack Obama

I shall try and throw in some non-Obama topics once in a while.

A REAL Democrat

Posted in Eric with tags on April 25, 2008 by Eric

Barack Obama is the true Democrat in this election. He understands that the power of the Party is more important than the individual. He knows that creating a true Democratic majority in the House and Senate is more important than getting to the White House.

That is why he created the Obama Organizing Fellows program, to strengthen the democratic base and develop grassroots leadership.

That is why Barack Obama will be announcing a massive 50 States voters registration drive, to register new voters, to solidify the foundation of the Democratic Party, and to continue the movement that he has created.

“That’s why I’m so proud that today our campaign announced a massive volunteer-led voter registration drive in all 50 states to help ensure every single eligible voter takes part in this election so we can take back Washington for the American people,” Obama said at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place.

Barack knows that change must happen from the bottom up and not from top down. His own experiences have taught him that the people must be the agents of change.

This is why we must nominate Barack Obama and this is why we must elect Barack Obama as the next president of the United States of America.

Hillary’s real reason for staying in the race

Posted in Uncategorized on April 25, 2008 by Eric

I blogged about this a few posts back. It would now appear that the democrats are starting to catch on to HRC’s racket. I hope the superdelegates are paying attention to this.

House Democratic Whip James Clyburn, of South Carolina had sharp criticism of the Clinton campaign. Click to read the full article from Reuters [excerpts after the jump]