Archive for August, 2008

Obama Introductory Video

Posted in Eric with tags on August 30, 2008 by Eric

This is provided as a service to any one that missed Obama’s introductory video at the Democratic National Convention.


Posted in Eric with tags , on August 29, 2008 by Eric

Can we not say that this is purely a sexist move to try and sway Clinton supporters to McCain?

Come on…after months of attacks on Barack for his lack of experience and his celebrity status, he picks a former beauty queen and a former mayor of a small town in Alaska as his VP choice? There are plenty of more qualified women in the Republican Party, but he picks someone without experience? Are you kidding me? Is McCain truly nuts? How can he keep up the experience and celebrity attacks on Obama without looking like a complete hypocrite?

In addition, does McCain really think that women are that stupid to vote for any woman? American women are intelligent and sophisticated. They will see through this right away as simply a political ploy. John McCain is offering Palin as an alternative to Hillary Clinton? Well, let me tell you now, Sarah Palin is NO Hillary Clinton, not even close. Hillary Clinton didn’t put 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling just to see someone unqualified be used as a tool to try to win an election. Hillary Clinton ran on her strengths and qualifications, Sarah Palin is running simply because she is female, young and attractive. This pick is not just an insult to women in the Democratic party, this is an insult and slap in the face to all of the qualified Republican women, people like Kay Bailey Hutchison, who now watches qualifications and experience trumped by youth and beauty. A better choice for John McCain would have been Hutchison, who brings actual qualification and strength to the seat of the VP. Memo to all of the women in the Republican party, your party does not care about your abilities or qualifications. Your party will leave you behind. The pick of Sarah Palin is the perfect example.

This is either the most brilliant political tactic or the dumbest move in the history of politics. Guess we will find out soon enough.


Posted in Uncategorized on August 28, 2008 by Eric

Wow! just wow!

John McCain, here we come!

Pre-acceptance speech reflection

Posted in Eric with tags , on August 28, 2008 by Eric

A little pre-acceptance speech reflection on the Democratic National Convention..

The convention was great on TV with amazing speakers from Michelle Obama to Joe Biden. I loved walking around downtown Denver, knowing that I’m surrounded by Democrats and other progressive activists. However, I was a little disappointed with the APIA events that I attended. I guess I had a higher expectations for a national party convention, but the events/training came out a little lacklustered. The Asian American Caucuses were basically a whole bunch of people recognizing each other on stage and didn’t bring a lot of substance other than a few speakers like Parag, DNC’s direct of external communication and the mayor of LA. I didn’t get involved to get recognition or to watch people pat each other on the back. I know the need to recognize those of us that has succeeded in politics, yet that left little time and room to talk substance and discuss policies and issues. I would rather sit through a policy discussion than to watch people come on stage and kiss each other’s asses. You can network and congrats each other outside, let’s focus on issues during the meetings. If the point of the convention was to energize the Democrats, the national speakers did their job. However, I think the Asian Americans failed. I was more bored than energized in any of the APIA meetings.

The tuesday training was strange. I expected more training and strategizing, but didn’t get much of either.
I don’t blame any one, the organizers were restricted by time, speakers and other circumstances. I applaud them for trying and putting together events for the APIA delegation and the community activists.

I have to give it up to Tammy Duckworth for an excellent covention speech. Can’t wait to see her get involved on the national scene – hopefully the rumor of her being appointed to Barack’s seat will come true when Barack wins the presidency.

Overall, the convention was great. Traffic wasn’t as bad as people predicted and certainly didn’t see any of the Chaos that Republicans wanted. Bill and Hillary did what they had to do to bring the party together. It’s now up to the disgruntled Clinton supporters to decide if they want four more years of McSame or if they want to see change in the White House.

Can’t wait for Barack’s speech tonight. I’m disappointed that I didn’t get a pass to witness history being made in person, but watching it on TV is a great alternative. Remember tonight people, because thirty years later after Obama’s two terms in office, tonight will go down in history as the day when America moved into the 21st century. Watch history in the making and get ready for a tough fight to elect Barack Obama.

Bill and Hillary

Posted in Eric with tags , on August 27, 2008 by Eric

I really enjoyed watching the old Bill and Hillary Clinton back on the national stage. She is once again the elegant senator from New York, the champion of women’s rights and protector of the welfare of children. Bill is back to the senior statesman of the United States of America and the amazing speaker from Arkansas. I am delighted that they went all out for Barack and the Democratic Party. I am grateful for their acts of humility in bring unity back to the party.

They have earned back a lot of my respect. I look forward to seeing Hillary and Bill take an active role in Barack Obama’s administration. This country suffered during the tough primary and now, we are stronger because of them.

Thank you President Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary Clinton.

Here we go again

Posted in Eric with tags on August 27, 2008 by Eric

Here we go again..McCain lied again..what else is new and when will people wake up to his brand of “Honesty”?

From Jack Tapper of ABC,

Today’s new McCain ad — “Tiny,” which you can watch HEREcrosses a new line into dishonesty, however, beyond whether or not it’s actually airing anywhere.

The script reads: “Iran. Radical Islamic government. Known sponsors of terrorism. Developing nuclear capabilities to ‘generate power’ but threatening to eliminate Israel.

“Obama says Iran is a ‘tiny’ country, ‘doesn’t pose a serious threat,'” the ad continues. “Terrorism, destroying Israel, those aren’t ‘serious threats’? Obama — dangerously unprepared to be president.”

This is a dishonest representation of Obama’s words.

This is what Obama actually said about Iran,

“Iran, they spend one-one hundredth of what we spend on the military. If Iran ever tried to pose a serious threat to us, they wouldn’t stand a chance. And we should use that position of strength that we have, to be bold enough to go ahead and listen. That doesn’t mean we agree with them on everything. We might not compromise on any issues, but at least we should find out other areas of potential common interest, and we can reduce some of the tensions that has caused us so many problems around the world.”

According to Jack Tapper, “That is not even close to Obama saying Iran is a “tiny” country that “doesn’t pose a serious threat.” Not even close.”

Are you surprised any more? John McCain is a dishonest man who will lie to get what he wants. He is a man no longer with integrity and honesty. He is a man no longer worthy of our respect. He CAN NOT be the next president. We already have one dishonest president in George Bush, we can not afford another.

To quote Hillary Clinton, “No way, no how, no McCain!”

Hillary at the Convention

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on August 26, 2008 by Eric

Watching Hillary Clinton speaking right now..

great beginning – “proud supporter of Barack Obama”

great line – “no way, no how, no McCain”

Probably her best speech.

This is the Hillary that I once admired. I’m glad to see her back.

I definitely see a role for her in the Barack administration, perhaps as the next female supreme court justice.

Obama Biden 2008!

Posted in Uncategorized on August 24, 2008 by Eric

New Obama music video

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on August 22, 2008 by Eric


Do you know your place in the John McCain’s world?

Posted in Eric with tags on August 21, 2008 by Eric

John McCain can’t remember how many houses he owns, do you?
John McCain wears $500 loafers while lounging around with tycoons like Bush, do you?
John McCain dumped his ex-wife to marry into money, did you?
John McCain’s net worth is over 35 million dollars, do you know your net worth?
John McCain thinks that you are only rich when you make five million dollars, anything less would put you in middle class. Do you make anything close to one million dollars?
John McCain thinks it’s a good idea to give tax breaks to people like him and ignore the middle class, do you make enough to benefit from his tax breaks?
John McCain wants to give tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas, are you in a job that can be offshored?
John McCain thinks that we are stronger today economically, are we?

Are you surprised that his economic policies are geared toward the rich?

Do you know your place in John McCain’s world?

Wake up, think, and vote smart