Archive for July, 2008


Posted in Eric with tags , on July 31, 2008 by Eric

You have got to be kidding me. Tell me that the Bush Administration isn’t such a loose canon. According to Think Progress and Seymour Hersh,

Seymour Hersh — a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist for The New Yorker — revealed that Bush administration officials held a meeting recently in the Vice President’s office to discuss ways to provoke a war with Iran.

There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war. The one that interested me the most was why don’t we build — we in our shipyard — build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up. Might cost some lives.

And it was rejected because you can’t have Americans killing Americans. That’s the kind of — that’s the level of stuff we’re talking about. Provocation. But that was rejected.

Thankfully this plan was rejected, but the fact that this was even discussed sickens me. I’m speechless and out for the day

John McCain, racist

Posted in Eric with tags , on July 31, 2008 by Eric

How dare John McCain accuse Barack of playing the race card. John McCain is the only racist in this presiential election. Let us not forget,

“I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live.” 

why the media will not make John McCain’s racism an issue is beyond me. I predict this is the beginning of a very racist campaign run by the Republican party in order to try and save themselve. They have already begun with the ad featuring Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. What they have in common with Barack and the economy I do not know, but I do know what they are trying to do. Don’t kid yourself if you think they are not subtly trying to link White Women with a Black man. I just call it for what it is.

Are we ready to tell John McCain and the Republican party that we will not accept this any more?


final thought on this: Apparently, John McCain thinks talking about the obvious is playing the race card. DOH! I’m gonna play the race card too.. John McCain looks like the people on our money..John McCain is WHITE! OH MY GAWD..I just played the race card on John McCain.. I’m Asian American and I don’t look anything like the portraits on my bills.. OH NOES! How dare you Eric for playing the race card for no reason!

Why is this bad?

Posted in Uncategorized on July 31, 2008 by Eric

Why is this image bad? if John McCain had his way, he would want you to hate the image below..what’s wrong with 200,000 Germans coming out for Barack? What’s wrong with American flags waving instead of burning? This is not about being a celebrity, this is about America being respected around the world again. This is about being proud of America once again after eight years of Bush policies.

Debunking lies about John McCain

Posted in Eric with tags on July 31, 2008 by Eric

To be fair to John McCain, I thought I try and debunk some lies/smears about him. I absolutely don’t condone smears against any candidates.

THE LIE: Combined, the McCain family has has a credit card balance that is more than $750,000 and their interest rate is 24.49%.
THE TRUTH: The McCains pay off their credit card bills on a monthly basis. The $750,000 figure is also wrong, though it is true that between January 2007 and May 2008, one of the credit cards did reach $500,000 and another reached $250,000.

Also, with a combined net worth over $100 million, most of the credit cards did not have any interest payments at all. Only their Visa, Mastercard, and Saks Fifth Avenue cards (monthly balances ranging between $15,000 and $50,000) charged interest.

THE LIE: McCain purchased two separate $4.7 million dollar condos in San Diego for their own enjoyment.
THE TRUTH: The combined cost of the two condos was $4.7 millon, and one of them was for the kids.

THE LIE: The McCains spent over $500,000 in 2007 on household staff, such as maids and butlers.
THE TRUTH: They increased their household staffing budget from $184,000 in 2006 to only $273,000 in 2007.

THE LIE: The McCains spent $11 million between the summer of 2004 and February 2008 on 13 different residences.
THE TRUTH: They spent $11 million acquiring five residences.

THE LIE: The McCains inherited a business worth $1,000,000,000 from relatives.
THE TRUTH: The McCains inherited assets worth more than $100,000,000 from relatives, but those assets are unlikely to be worth $1,000,000,000.

THE LIE: John McCain gambles away hundreds of thousands of dollars at the craps tables in Las Vegas.
THE TRUTH: While John McCain does frequently play craps in Las Vegas in continuous 14-hour sessions, it is unlikely that he has ever gambled away $100,000 in a single session.

THE LIE: John McCain spends $50,000 each year on shoes that he imports from Italy, South Africa, and Argentina.
THE TRUTH: Since John McCain’s shoes cost $520 a pair, it is highly unlikely that he spends even $10,000 each year on shoes.  In addition, there are no reports that he has imported shoes from either South Africa or Argentina.

in case you think that I’m making the truth up, here are the links for you to go check it out. I want to clear up any lies about John McCain. It’s for his best interest.

  1. The McCain family credit cards.
  1. The McCain family houses.  (Also, check out an awesome google map of McCain’s houses.)
  1. The McCain family staff budget.
  1. The McCain house purchases.
  1. The McCain family inheritance.
  1. McCain’s 14 hour gambling stints.

Special thanks to Barath of DailyKos for putting this list together to help debunk lies about John McCain


Posted in Eric with tags , on July 30, 2008 by Eric

WAH..WAH..WAH.. I’m John McCain..don’t ignore me..WAH WAH WAH..I am John McCain, I support our troops, but I am against the GI Bill..WAH WAH WAH..Barack sucks, I want to be like him..WAH WAH WAH..I am John McCain, I wear $580 Ferragamo loafers, but Barack is the elitist…WAH WAH WAH..I am John McCain, i have more foreign policy experience, especially when it comes to countries that don’t exist like Czechoslovakia…WAH WAH WAH..I am John McCain, the biggest whiner and cry baby in the history of presidential elections..if I don’t get my way, I’m gonna cry and cry and point fingers and stomp my feet.

Do you really want to know how pathetic John McCain is? All you have to do is look at Obama’s foreign visits. Before Obama left, John McCain harrassed him constantly for not visiting Iraq and Europe. John McCain talked about Barack’s lack of international experience. OK…guess what..Barack went on his tour of Middle East and Europe and the result was spectacular. People around the world loved him. Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Maliki came out and endorsed his plan for a timetable, US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan loves Barack, French Prime Minister called him his buddy, and 200,000+ Germans came out and saw him speak. It was a bigger success than any one would have guessed, even shocked John McCain and the idiots running his campaign.

So..what do they do now? they are left with mocking his trip. John McCain the sour grape whines and moans about media coverage. They mock Barack’s trip and his popularity around the world. They even shamelessly tried to make wounded soldiers an issue during his trip. HOW FUCKING PATHETHIC..Are you guys like two years old?

John McCain, you goaded Barack into visiting other countries and you came out on the wrong side of the stick. You misjudged his popularity around the world and you misjudged America’s standing around the world. People in the United States and around the globe want change. We want something different, and you are simply not it.

We want a president that will not only set America on a new path to the future, but also repair our reputation in the world. We don’t need another bumbling idiot in office and we don’t need another McBush in office.

Go away John McCain. Go crawl back up Bush’s ass, since that’s apparently where you came out of.

Fucking pathetic…

New Viral Vdeo on McCain

Posted in Eric with tags on July 29, 2008 by Eric

Leadership or the lack of it

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , on July 28, 2008 by Eric

We talk about the need to have a real leader in the White House, someone who can direct this nation into a better future and not someone willing to sell out our future..’s this headline for leadership from an existing president ..

Bush Leaving Next President Record Federal Budget Deficit

The next president will inherit a record budget deficit of $482 billion, according to a new Bush administration estimate released Monday.

This number will actually be higher because the Bush administration failed to include the cost of the war, which is estimated to be around 80 BILLION dollars. What about the inept John McCain? John McCain claims he will balance the budget, but he wants to remain in Iraq at the cost of 80 Billion dollars a year and cut taxes for the rich. humm..cut money coming in but don’t cut spending..even an idiot will realize that a John McCain presidency will only add to the immense deficit.

Leadership at it’s worst…

House Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt, D-S.C., said the new deficit figure confirms “the dismal legacy of the Bush administration: under its policies, the largest surpluses in history have been converted into the largest deficits in history.” it about catering to the wealth and selling out the future or is it about the courage to do what is right? Take the offshore drilling issue as an example. John McCain reversed his position and now supports offshore drilling – and guess what happened?

From Washington Post,

Campaign contributions from oil industry executives to Sen. John McCain rose dramatically in the last half of June, after the senator from Arizona made a high-profile split with environmentalists and reversed his opposition to the federal ban on offshore drilling.

Oil and gas industry executives and employees donated $1.1 million to McCain last month — three-quarters of which came after his June 16 speech calling for an end to the ban — compared with $116,000 in March, $283,000 in April and $208,000 in May.

John McCain is bought and paid for by the big oil companies and big corporations. You want more proof that he is owned? read this on his energy plan and his ties to the energy companies. This short snippet should tell the whole picture on John “sold” McCain

Fifty-nine energy lobbyists serve as staffers or fundraisers for McCain’s campaign

  • They include chief campaign strategist Charlie Black, congressional liaison John Green, national finance director Susan Nelson, and deputy campaign manger Christian Ferry.

What about Obama? He is not afraid to stand his ground on issues that are important to us. Offshore drilling is a bad idea. Not only will it not affect current fuel supply and prices, it will harm our environment, despite the assurances of big oil companies.

From Denver Post,

Offshore operators have had 40 spills greater than 1,000 barrels since 1964, including 13 in the past 10 years, according to data from the U.S. Minerals Management Service, which oversees exploration and production in federal waters.
Despite the industry’s technological improvements and safety planning, offshore operators have struggled to cope with the hurricanes that blow through the Gulf of Mexico. Seven of the 13 recent larger spills were hurricane-related.



Barack understands that the future of this country lies not in oil but in alternative energy. He is putting forth a plan that focuses on the development of alternative energy sources instead of relying on fossil fuel and nuclear power. He is not willing to sacrifice the future of this country and this earth just to pander to the few and the rich. That is leadership, not the fake crap that McCain is selling (to big business and the rich). low will McCain go?

Posted in Eric with tags on July 25, 2008 by Eric

This is getting annoying. How low will McCain and the Bush administration go to try and prevent Obama from winning? First, US foreign services workers in Berlin were told by the US embassy that they can not attend the speech, despite the fact that they were allowed under the Hatch Act. If you don’t think that the Bush administration is all over this, Huffington post blogger, Jacob Helibrunn, looked into the connection and history of this current administration.

The U.S. embassy, which is headed by ambassador Robert Timken, a businessman and crony of George W. Bush’s from Ohio, who is widely reviled in Germany for his ignorance of foreign affairs, has instructed officials not to attend the rally.

Indeed, the administration has a long and tawdry record of trying to browbeat government agencies into submission, whether it’s the CIA or the Centers for Disease Control. The State Department is perhaps highest on the list of conservatives and neocons who see it as the center of disloyalty and treachery.

Ok..if that is not enough..Obama had to cancel a visit to a military hospital in Germany. This is truly a new low for John McCain. DailyKos blogger Karpaty Iviv has an extensive diary on this shameful act. I am not going to go into detail because the diary is a must read. However, i will give you a quick synopsis. Barack Obama was originally cleared by the Pentagon to visit the hospital alone, without the press and staff. However, Pentagon lifted that clearance and told Barack that he can’t go due to some regulation. Let’s just say that McCain was not stopped by the Pentagon when he made his “visits” to military bases.

Again, I ask..How low will John “Holier than thou” McCain and this Bush administration go to stop Barack Obama? Obviously as low as they need. John McCain, you need to stop pretending that you are some saint who is above the nastiness of a Repug campaign. You are just as bad as Karl Rove. What will it be next? Will you try and steal and cheat this country of the next president?

I am ashamed to think that perhaps this man of “honor” and “war hero” will be above the dirty tactics of the Bush administration. This man, John McCain, is no different from Bush, Karl Rove and other pathetic little Republican operatives.

I ask you, the public, is this the kind of man that we want in office? We can not afford to allow John McCain to win the presidency. He will only continue the shameful practices of this current administration and will not restore honor and diginity to the highest office of the land.

LOL-sour grape..UPDATED!

Posted in Eric with tags , on July 24, 2008 by Eric
images of the day:  Obama in front of 200,000+ screaming people and John McCain at a Sausage Haus..
Image from DailyKosImage from political punch

 Now for the sourpuss moment..

McCain addressed about a half dozen Ohio small business owners in the historic village.

“I’d love to give a speech in Germany,” McCain said. “But I’d much prefer to do it as President.” sad and can’t go and attract a crowd so poo poo on Obama’s event..You jealous John? Hey Johnnie boy, take another long look at that picture, because you will never see a crowd that size and you will never get to speak as a President of the United States of America. BTW, John McCain, you are looking at the next president of this great country and of the free world.

UPDATE .. John McCain, Idiot .. In an interview w/ NBC about Obama’s speech, John McCain had this to say..

“I would rather speak at a rally or a political gathering any place outside of the country after I am president of the United States,” McCain told O’Donnell.

He obviously forgot that he spoke in Canada earlier this year..unless John McCain thinks Canada is part of the US..hum..interesting..

However, on June 20, McCain himself gave a speech in Canada — to the Economic Club of Canada — in which he applauded NAFTA’s successes. An implicit message behind that speech was that Obama had been critical of the trade accord. Also, McCain’s trip to Canada was paid for by the campaign.

Is there a doctor in the house? I think John McCain needs a completely mental evaluation to make sure that his brain is functioning normally..I still can’t believe that some people want this buffoon to be the next president. I guess after Bush, anyone is a step up, even if it is a baby step like John McCain. What’s he gonna do as the president? start a nuclear war and the next day deny that he pushed the red button? how about sending the national guard into Canada, thinking that Canada is part of the US? Or order the military to defend Czechoslovakia? Or order the air force to drop bottles of hot water for the babies in disaster areas? How about just vetoing beer all together?

this is too much – updated!

Posted in Eric with tags on July 23, 2008 by Eric

This is just too much for one day..John McCain trying to bury himself deeper..

In response to him messing up the timeline of the surge, John McCain basically said that he was talking about the surge before the surge, so he wasn’t wrong..LOL..what an idiot..a classic premature ejaculation surge.

Let’s revisit what he had said..John McCain indicated that the Anbar awakening was started by the surge..there was nothing about a pre-surge surge, or his premature surge..he has all along indicated that the surge had meant an increase in boots on the ground.

This is all from the AP

Speaking on CBS Tuesday of a Sunni sheik who approached Col. MacFarland, McCain said, “Because of the surge, we were able to go out and protect that sheik and others. And it began the Anbar awakening.”

UPDATE!! LOL..this gets better..according to Huffington Post..the Sheik who approached Col. MacFarland was assassinated last year, in the midst of the Surge! We really protected him! LOL..this gets better by the moment! oh wait, even more..this came from McCain’s spokesperson..

The Arizona Republican’s campaign went further the next day, claiming that the major figures that turned around Anbar province would have been killed had the surge policy not been in place. “If Barack Obama had had his way, the Sheiks who started the Awakening would have been murdered at the hands of al Qaeda,” said spokesman Tucker Bounds.

LOL..this is better than any movie or soap opera..McCain and Bush had their way, increased the troop..and what! the Sheik who started the Awaken was killed in the midst of the surge! LOL..I don’t think the McCain campaign did any homework on this issue..

trying to walk back on his words..John McCain talked about the presurge

He told reporters during an unscheduled stop in a super market that, what the Bush administration calls “the surge” was actually “made up of a number of components,” some of which began before the president’s order for more troops.

Wait a minute..did he just concede that the troop built up wasn’t responsible for the Anbar Awakening, thus played only a part in the decrease of violence in Iraq? Did he just concede that Barack was right? That an increase in troop wasn’t necessarily needed?!?!

Oh..this is not it for today..trying to combat the massive press coverage that Obama will get tomorrow when he speaks in Germany, McCain tried to set up an photo op at an oil rig off the coast of Louisiana. This was supposed to be the place where he will tout offshore drilling and claim that Obama is wrong on offshore drilling. Well, guess what..the photo-op has been cancelled..why? The McCain campaign claimed it’s because of weather.. UPDATE! Weather is nice and clear today in LA…or as a fellow Kossack pointed out, could it be because of an oil spill nearby?!?! LOL

The U.S. Coast Guard has closed 29 miles of the Mississippi River from New Orleans southward after a tanker and a barge collided, spilling more than 400,000 gallons of fuel oil into the river.

Oil from the spill is visible along the New Orleans riverfront, with a thick coat of black muck washing up along the rocks near the Moonwalk. Farther away from the bank, the muck broke off into small islands.

A thick blanket of oil stuck to the hull of a Coast Guard cutter patrolling the area between the wrecked barge and the riverfront near the Aquarium of the Americas. The surrounding air there smells like it would near a gas station or in a traffic jam, only stronger.

I’m so disappointed that McCain decided to back out…him standing on that rig with the oil spill in the background would’ve made for wonderful photo op…

I want more from the hero zero, John McCain