Archive for October, 2008

now..for something different

Posted in Uncategorized on October 30, 2008 by Eric

We are 5 days away from a new world..I thought I take a step back from politics and let everyone take a deep breath and laugh at something that’s not McCain or Palin..

Tale of 3 Ashleys

Posted in Uncategorized on October 27, 2008 by Eric

I found this great article on, written by one of their contributors. It’s a interesting look at the 2004 Bush campaign and the current McCain / Obama campaigns. Must read!

The Three Ashleys – Sean Quinn

Why I vote

Posted in Eric with tags on October 24, 2008 by Eric

It’s now less than two weeks to election night and early voting has started in many states. It’s that time of the year when many Americans grapple with the idea of voting. “To vote or not to vote“, that is the question.

People vote for various reasons. Some do it out of love for their country, others because of their sense of civic duty. Many will cast that ballot because they can’t stand the other candidate and quite a few will vote because it’s the right thing to do. We all have our reasons for voting and we all have our reasons for not voting.

The primary reason for not voting, that I’ve heard, is the “my one vote will not count” excuse. I don’t blame them. Been there and done that. In the grand scheme of things, out of the millions of Americans that will cast their vote this year, a single vote will apear to be insignificant. Some contests, a single vote will be the deciding factor, but in a presidential election and in states that are predominatly blue or red like California and Texas, a single vote may not matter in their mind. It’s an understandable mindset, as frustrating as it may seen.

To me, it’s not just about their one vote, it’s their friend’s potential one vote, the neightbor’s single vote and their co-worker’s vote. If every American got rid of that “me, me, me” mindset and everyone casted their vote on election night, your one vote becomes many and it is no longer meaningless. However, it’s hard to get past that mindset.

My point here is not to convince anyone to vote. Either you will or you will find excuses not to. I think we will all eventually find our reason to cast that first ballot. Some may never vote, but we will all know why we entered that voting booth on election night or why we stayed home and watched TV.

I have never really thought about why I vote. I’ve been guilty of not voting like many Americans. When I was young, it was either too much trouble or the lines were too long. As I got older, I became more cynical. I bought into that “One vote” mentality. I was recently interviewed by a friend about the Democratic National Convention and why it’s important that we take part in the political process. Her question forced me to really look at what it means for me to step into that box and push that button. I can sit here and claim patriotism and profess my love for this country, but after reflection, I know why I vote and will continue to vote.

I vote to honor those that came before me. I vote to remember our past trials and tribulations. I vote to pay respect to the Martin Luther Kings of the world and the soldiers of the 442nd who had died to prove their citizenship. I vote to remember the civil rights activists that fought a system to give me the ability to cast that one vote. We can not forget our past or dishonor those that fought to give us the privilege to vote

I know how cheesy this may sound, but this is why I vote.

thought for the day

Posted in Uncategorized on October 23, 2008 by Eric

I heard this on the radio ..

The Republicans give tax breaks to the rich, the large corporations and the oil companies and they call it “capitalism.”

The Democrats want to eliminate the tax cuts to the rich and give it to the middle class, and the Republicans call it “socialism” or “spreading the wealth.”

hum..there’s something I’m not understanding here..

Palin the socialist

Posted in Eric with tags , on October 22, 2008 by Eric

It’s funny that the latest attack line from the Palin lead McCain campaign is to call Obama a socialist. They are throwing the phrase, “spreading the wealth”, around like they know what it means..oh wait..the Republicans and Sarah Palin do know what it means..

From Marc Ambinder’s Blog,

This socialism thing.

A, it would have been more convincing had McCain opposed the original bailout and not proposed austerity for everyone and then ruled out lots of programs and then proposed lots of new spending.

B – Palin is going on about Obama and wealth redistribution.

Palin taxed oil company profits and cut $1200 checks for every Alaskans.

That’s spreading the wealth. Redistributing some money.

The McCain campaign talks about Palin’s executive experience.

So Obama might have socialistic inclinations… Palin’s gotten it done.

Pot calling the kettle…Pot calling the kettle..dang, pick up..

100,000 in Missouri

Posted in Eric with tags , on October 18, 2008 by Eric

A picture is worth a thousand words.

image courtesy of

image courtesy of

His largest crowd ever. We are going to turn Missouri BLUE!!!! Yet another “Anti-America” place for Sarah Palin to stay away.

“real” americans??!?!?

Posted in Eric with tags , , , on October 18, 2008 by Eric

WTF..this is what the Republicans have degenerated into..

From Huffington Post,

Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachmann claimed on Friday that Barack Obama and his wife Michelle held anti-American views and couldn’t be trusted in the White House. She even called for the major newspapers of the country to investigate other members of Congress to “find out if they are pro-America or anti-America.”

The Republicans want to bring back the McCarthy era and the Salem witch trials, some of the darkest time in our history? She is actually calling for members of Congress to be “investigated”? The great past leaders of this country and the Republican Party like Jefferson and Lincoln must be rolling in their graves now at the shame and disgust exhibited by this once great party. The Republicans claim that Democrats are socialists, but from what I’m hearing, the Republicans are the real Communists in this country. They want to silence all dissenting voices and “investigate” those who disagree with them. Sounds awfully close to China and the imprisonment of activists and to every other dictatorships that control by an iron fist. This is the kind of Truthful” and “honorable” campaign that John McCain endorses?

Tell me Michelle Bachmann and John McCain, what the fuck is pro-America and anti-America? Am I not pro-America because I am a progressive and believe in values, like protecting the middle class, that may differ from you or is it the color of my skin that makes me “anti-America”? Sarah Palin, I didn’t forget about you. I know that you will only visit Pro America places in the United States..Please tell me what the anti-America states are? Are blue states somehow more anti-America because we don’t buy into the crap that you feed? Are neighborhoods where minorities live more anti-America than all white neighborhoods? Do I live in an “Anti-America” home because I refuse to vote for people like you? Is California, a state with a Republican Governor, very anti-America because they will vote in majority for Obama and Biden? PLEASE! Clarify for me where I shouldn’t visit because they are not pro-America!

This is the kind of dangerous campaign that the Republicans have decided to run because they can’t win based on issues. This is the reason why we absolutely can’t afford John McCain and Sarah Palin in the White House.

We can not have a divided America as propsed by the Republican, we can not accuse people of being anti-American because they don’t believe in conservative values. What makes this country great is our ability to disagree and voice our concerns. What makes this country great is because it comprises of all kinds of people, all kinds of thoughts and ideas. I don’t live in a divided America. I live in the United States of America. Time for Sarah Palin and people like Bachmann to take the time machine and go back to the segregation era.

Vote against smears, vote against witch hunts. Vote for honor, vote for justice, vote for hope, vote for change and vote for a United America..Vote Obama and Biden.

say it aint’ so Joe!

Posted in Eric with tags on October 16, 2008 by Eric
Gosh Doggonit, There you go Joe..have to go on TV and walk the McCain talking point, pretending to be Joe the undecided..Man..why won’t Republicans do some research before they trot out people..and Main Stream Media – Let’s get the story straight on Joe the Plumber ok? He was never the undecided you all tried to portray him to be..he is a hardcore conservative put on the spot to pretend he is middle class American

1. Joe the Plumber or Joe the businessman – Apparently he wants to buy a business that will pay him – ta ta da! – $250,000 – Dang, I’m in the wrong line of work. I think Joe the Plumber should find out how businesses work and get an accountant to help him avoid taxes like every other rich person. BTW, According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual wage for plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters in the United States in 2007 was $47,350. – Clearly a lot less than the $250,000. Of course, if you believe the lies that John McCain’s supposedly truthful campaign keeps telling, you’ll think the Barack will raise his taxes – a lie debunked by every independent source.

Update: The funny thing here is that he admitted that he will get a bigger tax break under Obama, he just feels bad for all the rich people. It’s just simply not fair for the rich to pay their share! Gosh darn!

I heard this line on the radio today – plumbers are supposed to fix broken and clogged johns right? I guess McCain has found his plumber?’s

2. Joe the Plumber is Joe the Republican. He is a registered Republican and not a undecided voter. He was never undecided and had already made up his mind prior to the debate – surprise wonder he talks the McCain game and walks the McCain walk.

3. Joe the plumber is related to … Charles Keating?!?! yes, THE Charles Keating that John McCain is buddy-buddy with.

“Turns out that Joe Wurzelbacher from the Toledo event is a close relative of Robert Wurzelbacher of Milford, Ohio. Who’s Robert Wurzelbacher? Only Charles Keating’s son-in-law and the former senior vice president of American Continental, the parent company of the infamous Lincoln Savings and Loan.”
LOL – you can’t make this stuff up.

4. Joe the Plumber is apparently Joe the property owner. He owns several houses and two farms. That’s VERY MIDDLE CLASS.

Joe Wurzelbacher of Cincinnati said he’s one of the losers. “They might as well bill me every four months instead of every six months because the increase is about equal to another whole payment,”Wurzelbacher owns a farm in Harmony Township and has several rental houses, so he’s not eligible for the $35,000 homestead exemption. He also owns farmland in Hamilton County, Ohio, one of the most highly taxed counties in that state, but his taxes there are considerably less because Ohio allows farmers to enroll their land in a program that values it at current agricultural value, he said.

5. Joe the … Plumber? It would appear that Joe is not even a licensed Plumber in Ohio..well..that can probably be explained by his multiple properties..he may not live in Ohio or work in Ohio..just visits his many properties..or was planted by FOX Noise? lol
Update: It would appear that Joe the Plumber doesn’t like to obey rules and regulations as well – per Ohio regulations, all person working on plumbing system must be licensed. BTW, the Union for the plumbers are the first to endorse Barack Obama.

So..what does this all mean? I don’t know..judge it for yourself – He has pretty close ties to the McCain campaign and the Republicans, from political affliations to his economic status..He is a supporter of McCain, has always been even before the debate. Was he planted by Fox Noise? If Republican really want to connect with Middle Class America – maybe they should find a real Middle Class American and not another Sarah Falin Palin.

BTW, what’s with the nicknames from the Republicans – do they really think that people go by those names? Joe the Plumbing, Joe Sixpack, Sarah Barracuda, etc. I think we moved on from the Middle Ages, where you call people by the profession and nicknames, like Joseph the Blacksmith.
His 10 minutes are fame are over – let’s get back to real issues facing real American, not the Joe-the-<insert your title> or the Sarah-<insert description> of the world.
I’ll end with this quote from Joe Biden,
“The Joe the plumbers in my neighborhood, the Joe the cops in my neighborhood, the Joe the grocery store owners in my neighborhood — they make, like 98 percent of the small businesses, less than $250,000 a year,” said the Democratic VP nominee. “And they’re going to do very well under us, and they’re going to be in real tough shape under John McCain.”
Update: Apparently, Joe the Plumber is also Joe the tax dodger..From Politico:
According to records from the Lucas County (OH) Court of Common Pleas found by my colleague Avi Zenilman, Samuel J. Wurzelbacher has a lien placed against him to the tune of $1,182.92.
No wonder he is voting for John McCain – he’s found a kinship w/ another tax avoider, John McCain.


Posted in Eric on October 16, 2008 by Eric

Someone commented on my post on the Obama tax plan, and it’s interesting enough for me to warrant a response.

From Sam,

When you lay the comparisons out like this, it’s quite clear that Obama’s tax plan cuts more taxes for the middle class. But what you fail to talk about is the ramifications of Obama’s higher taxes on businesses. Using your numbers, if a company is making $1 million a year, you can bet that this company employs many workers. But in these terrible economic times, if this company’s taxes are being raised $262,371, you can bet that the employer will have to make some spending cuts and layoffs. So please tell me, what good is Obama’s tax cuts to a middle class guy if the middle class guy loses his job and therfore, has NO INCOME to get a tax cut for? With McCain’s plan, yes the middle class may get smaller tax cuts, but they are still tax CUTS, and more importantly, the middle class will still be able to hold on to their jobs because their employers aren’t being raped with higher taxes.

Ok..I’m not a business major or an economist, nor do I try and play one on TV or elsewhere. So, bare with me as I work this out logically. This argument really falls back on to the different economic philosophies between the two parties and whether you believe one is better.

1. In terms of small businesses, I think plenty of organizations including Obama’s own campaign have debunked this. Obama’s plan does not penalize small businesses in terms of taxes, health care, etc. So, I won’t go into detail about this – Google it’s a very popular topic after Joe the Plumber brought it up – I’ll talk about Joe in another post.

2. In terms of large corporations – yes. John McCain’s plan, like all Republican plans including George Bush’s, are much more friendly to businesses in terms of tax breaks, credits, etc. It’s also a fact that US has one of the highest corporate tax rates. However, it’s overly simplistic to think that corporations actually pay that rate. You are ignoring write-offs, expenses, existing tax credits, loopholes, etc. Corporations are not being “raped” by taxes and will not be “raped” by higher taxes. It’s also simplistic to take a random number and claim that the taxes will be so-and-so without taking into account all the variables like expenses. In addition, if we stablize the middle class and the purchasing power increases, the increase in revenue for these companies will more than offset their “increase” in taxes. Also, i doubt taxes are the reason why people are laid off – perhaps sales, profit and other elements play more into a companies decisions than simply the tax rate that they are paying.

In addition – you can’t take a plan on income tax and apply it to corporations – you have to actually look at Obama’s plan for businesses. Most experts will agree that McCain’s plan is friendlier, but Obama’s plan is not the death of big corporations.

3. We are in a bad economic times and with the existing system which already provide BILLIONS to big corporations, the companies are still laying off people – unemployment is at the highest in a long time. Your solution is to provide more money to corporations – if they can already get by with the existing workforce, why would giving them more money help? To pad their bottom line, do you actually believe that companies would hire more people and spend more money to do the same amount of work that the exist workforce is handling? They will onlyl increase their people when there’s an increase in work, sales, etc. which a tax break to the middle class will provide. If they really want to cut the bottom line, how about cutting back salaries for their executives? take away their golden parachutes?

Bush and Republicans also controlled the presidency and the congress for six years, and we went from a boom to the current mess that we are in. We went from Clinton to Bush and look where it’s gotten us. I serious doubt it’s a tax issue.

4. Obama’s plan provides incentives to companies to produce jobs – all it seeks is to close a lot of the loopholes that are currently available to businesses – shouldn’t the businesses that operate and benefit from Americans pay their fair share?

5. Middle Class supports big corporations – we buy the products they create, pump the gas they pimp, eat the food, buy the house, etc. If the middle class can’t afford anything, do you think the big corporations will not lay people off because of a decrease in revenue?

Big corporation will never get shafted, just look at the current bail out situation. It’s the middle class that have always gotten the short end of the stick – it’s time that the middle class gets the kind of attention that we deserve.

Official Obama Tax Calculator

Posted in Eric with tags on October 15, 2008 by Eric

A while back, I posted a tax calculator. Here is the official Obama Tax Calculator..

DOH! according to the official calculator, I would save $1,300 under Obama’s plan.

Wonder why McCain doesn’t have a similar calculator up? could it be because that the majority of Americans will NOT get a tax break?!?!?