Archive for May, 2008

good bye and good luck clinton supporter

Posted in Eric with tags , on May 31, 2008 by Eric

Note:  this is directed at the extreme Clinton Supporters. I believe that most supporters of Senator Clinton are Democrats that will work to defeat John McCain in November. It’s just sad to see the few idiots ruining the reputations of Sen. Clinton.

Watch this Clinton supporter unload Republican smears on Obama and says that she will vote for McCain, because she “is an American, it’s about preserving our sense of America..”
The supporters of Clinton that will not vote for Obama will do it for one reason and one reason only, because they want to “preserve” their sense of America. Ask yourselves what the sense is? Is it really about policies? No, because they have similar platforms..what is it about? it’s about White entitlement, it’s about the fear of “their time passing.” It’s about electing a White person instead of an African American. I can see it plain as day, can you?

You know what I’ve said..good bye and good luck..go catch the McCain bus..Just remember that the blood of the American soldiers dying in Iraq is on your hand, just remember that you are to blame when Roe v. Wade is overturned. Just remember that if McCain wins in November, you have no one to blame but yourselves. I know whose fault it will be if McCain wins a third Bush term. I will know whose fault it will be when MY civil rights are stepped on.

Rules and Bylaws Committee – Updated

Posted in Eric with tags , , on May 31, 2008 by Eric

quick update: Harold Ickes, Clinton campaign staff, challenged Robert Wexler on the idea of “fair reflection”. Here is what that rule states regarding “fair reflection”

Clause 13.A. – Fair Reflection of Presidential Preferences

“Delegates shall be allocated in a fashion that fairly reflects the expressed presidential preference or uncommitted status of the primary voters or, if there is no binding primary, the convention and/or caucus participants.”

The Ausman proposal is using this idea of fair reflection to allocate the halved delegates – it’s funny how Harold Ickes brought it up and when challenged by Robert Wexlar, he didn’t reply and walked off. He obviously don’t understand the idea of Fair Reflection.

I’m watching the Rules and Bylaws committee meeting on CNN and noted this along with other blogger, that one of the committee member (a Clinton supporter) just explained why they voted to strip FL of all delegates. Alice Huffman asked Robert Wexler, the Obama surrogate a question on seating 100% of the delegates.

Alice Huffman asked him why seating 100 percent wouldn’t also be “unity.” Wexler: “I wish you had asked that question last year!” Fair enough. Huffman (who helped make the rules): “No I didn’t ask the question a year ago, I couldn’t foresee it a year ago.”

This is exactly what I’ve been say and what other bloggers have been saying. Hillary Clinton and her supporters voted to strip FL of all delegates because they couldn’t foresee the challenge from Obama. At the time of the ruling, Hillary was the presumptive nominee without challenge and thus they voted to strip FL of all delegates. This is NOT about voters rights for Senator Clinton, this is about political expediency.

You can follow the meeting, if you don’t have access to cable television, by going to Dailykos or the Field. They both have live blogs going on.

We just heard from Florida, now is on to Michigan [more on Michigan after the jump]

Scott McCellan

Posted in Eric with tags , on May 30, 2008 by Eric

I haven’t blogged about Scott McCellan for a reason, because it is not news to me. It is not news to me that Bush and company lied about the illegal ousting of a CIA operative. It is not news to me that Bush lied to the American public. It is not news to me that the Bush used the media to justify his war and it is not news to me that the news media kowtowed to Bush. I didn’t drink the Bush koolaid or buy into the whole WMD or terroist excuse. I don’t have much to say about Scott McCellan or his book.

If you are interested, there are plenty of discussions on liberal blogs like DailyKos and on the different news media outlets like MSNBC.

I just hope that this is the beginning of the end for the Bush regime. We have never had a presidency that was more secretive and evil as the current administration.

I would like to see Bush and Cheney impeached, but I doubt that will happen.

Young Hillary Clinton

Posted in Eric with tags on May 30, 2008 by Eric this is funny and creative..

and I apologize for watching this video, i repudiate and renounce the kids playing the roles. I also apologize and repudiate myself for becoming a racist and a sexist because I watched and posted this video.

Since I’m in the mood of apologizing … I don’t agree with all of Israel’s policies..there! I said it! I apologize and repudiate myself for being an anti-semite as well.

Rev. Pfleger

Posted in Eric with tags , on May 30, 2008 by Eric

I will comment on Rev. Pfleger once and once only. For those of you that haven’t heard about Rev. Pfleger’s comments, here is a portion of it or watch it on youtube:

In video circulating on the Internet, Pfleger said the former first lady expected to win the nomination before Obama’s sudden popularity.

“She just always thought that, ‘This is mine. I’m Bill’s wife. I’m white.’ … And then, out of nowhere, came ‘Hey, I’m Barack Obama.” And she said, ‘Oh damn, where did you come from? I’m white. I’m entitled. There’s a black man stealing my show,'” Pfleger said at Trinity United Church of Christ.

He then went on to parody Clinton, sobbing and wiping his face with a handkerchief.

“She wasn’t the only one crying,” he said. “There was a whole lot of white people crying.”

First off – do i disagree with what he said? For those of you that know my views, the answer is pretty obvious. I absolutely AGREE with the words from Reverend Pfleger. For those of you that think he is simply mocking Hillary for her gender, think twice. He is talking about the idea of white entitlement. He is talking about Hillary’s sense of White, not gender, entitlement – just read the last line,“There was a whole lot of white people crying.”  When a non-White person challenges the status-quo and the power structure, he is feared by some, because he is attacking the entitlement some white folks believe in. This is not something that only Rev. Pfleger has talked about, except others do it in a more politically correct manner. The idea that Hillary is running on her sense of entitlement has been discussed and dissected plenty. [a lot more after the jump]

she cares..she really cares.. O.o

Posted in Eric with tags on May 29, 2008 by Eric

It’s funny how Hillary is screaming for Michigan and Florida to count because every vote counts and every state is important. However, she is constantly arguing that caucus states like Colorado are insignificant. Our infamous former president Bill clinton continued the Clinton assault on caucus in Puerto Rico.

“And the party will have to decide whether they believe the caucuses — where you get about one delegate for 2000 votes — are more important than the primaries where you get one for 12,000,”

In addition, in a memo sent to superdelegates, Hillarys makes that point that she may win the popular vote in the states with PRIMARIES, again subtly arguing primaries are more important than caucuses.

In addition, when the primaries are finished, I expect to lead in the popular vote and in delegates earned through primaries.

the lead in popular vote and in delegates earned through primaries are meaningless! Because the nomination process requires you to go through all 50 states! You need to win the popular vote and the delegates from every single primary/caucus. Every vote matters and every person count. You can’t summarily dismiss the states that you lost and the caucus states because they are “less important” in your mind.

It’s amazing that people let her get away with this. It’s amazing that people buy into her warped logic. You can’t be for letting every vote count then turn around and say that some votes are worth more than others. She doesn’t want to “disenfranchise” FL and MI, yet she is perfectly willing to disregard caucus states and their voters.


now this is REAL news …

Posted in Eric with tags on May 29, 2008 by Eric

According to the Rocky Mountain News, a Denver man will finally provide the proof that space aliens are real!

A video that purportedly shows a living, breathing space alien will be shown to the news media Friday in Denver.

Jeff Peckman, who is pushing a ballot initiative to create an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver to prepare the city for close encounters of the alien kind, said the video is authentic and convinced him that aliens exist.

“As impressive as it is, it’s still one tiny portion in the context of a vast amount of peripheral evidence,” he said Wednesday. “It’s really the final visual confirmation of what you already know to be true having seen all the other evidence.” this is real news. Forget the primaries, forget the occupation of Iraq, and forget the economy or the rising fuel prices, we are finally getting to the truth of things, that Space Aliens do exist! Ha to all of you that laughed at my conspiracy theories! I can back up all my theories with websites on the net. If it is written and looks formal, it must be true, like weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or Hillary winning the general election.

I found this little gem in the reader’s comments section,

The Aliens lands near Washington DC – the little gray green eyed being speaks perfectly and asks the first person he sees to take him/her to our leader.
They take the alien to meet Pres. Bush, the meeting is over in only a few minutes. The alien then returns to his space ship and says to his leader:
“No worries, there is no life on intelligent life on this little planet, go ahead and destroy it.”

another day, another hillary post …

Posted in Eric with tags , , on May 28, 2008 by Eric

You know, I keep telling myself that I am going to move away from Hillary and focus on reuniting Democrats and defeating McCain. Yet each day when I log on to read the news, I find that I can’t resist the temptation. There is always something new with her, either she is misspeaking or she is ratcheting up her rhetoric on the primary fight. I go to bed thinking that she will help reunite the party by gracefully exiting the race, then I wake up to hear about her taking the fight all the way to the convention floor. One minute I think she is toning down her rhetorics, the next she is playing the victim card and screaming bloody murder for FL and MI. I really don’t know what to think any more. I can’t tell if she is just ratcheting up the rhetoric hoping to stay relevant or if she really believes in her own spin.

I am truly afraid that Hillary will take the fight to August and disrupt what will be a monumental and historical convention. I am truly afraid that she is ready to tear down the Democratic Party in the pursuit of her selfish goals. I am truly afraid that she is willing to punish the American people for not nominating her by helping John McCain win in November.

I hope Al Giordano is right with his latest post and we can all take a deep breath come June 15th.

But as Chuck Todd … makes clear: there’s no story left after Tuesdays final primaries. There will be no oxygen left for Senator Clinton to command anything but a small sideshow of the national drama. A book by a former White House press secretary is already bigger news. The nation is yawning. <snip> The Field asserts that Chuck Todd is right… by the 15th of June (a date he sets) the consequences of turning brinksmanship in to a hostage crisis will provoke the S.W.A.T. team to rush in and that… will… be… that.

However, at the end of the day, I wonder how Hillary and Bill will act when this thing truly ends for them. Will they bow out gracefully and campaign for Barack Obama fiercely or will they be make the obligatory endorsement and slink into the background in anger?

I shall leave you all with these words from Rahm Emanuel, the representative from Illinois

The way the loser loses will determine whether the winner wins in November

Bush, Iran and Gas

Posted in Eric with tags , , on May 28, 2008 by Eric

I’ve written two posts about this already, so don’t say I didn’t warn you all.

Asia Times Online is reporting that Bush is planning an Iran air strike by August.

The George W Bush administration plans to launch an air strike against Iran within the next two months, an informed source tells Asia Times Online, echoing other reports that have surfaced in the media in the United States recently.

Two key US senators briefed on the attack planned to go public with their opposition to the move, according to the source, but their projected New York Times op-ed piece has yet to appear.

There are major implications in any strike on Iran, especially now. We can’t afford to open a third front in the Middle East, not financially and not militaristically. Actions against Iran will hurt American interests in the region, not help, not to mention unpredictable reactions from Russia, China and the OPEC. In addition, a destablized Middle East would send Oil to record highs, forget $200 a barrel, how about $300 or $400? George Bush is an crazy idiot without a mind of his own. We have to take action and impeach Bush and Cheney now!

THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS when we let Bush and his cronies cheat to win the White House. THIS is what happen when we tolerate power hungry politicians and this is the result of our failures to take back the government. We can not afford four years of John “bomb, bomb, bomb bomb Iran” McCain. We can not afford Hillary “Obilterate Iran” Clinton in the White House.

Difference between 2 camps

Posted in Eric with tags , , on May 27, 2008 by Eric

You want to see the difference between Obama and Hillary, just look at the upcoming Rules and Bylaw committee meeting.

Hillary supporters are planning a big protest,

Supporters of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton are organizing to march and then gather on the street outside the panel’s meeting, scheduled for Saturday morning at a hotel in Northwest Washington.

On the other hand, Obama’s campaign has asked his supporters to not demonstrate outside of the R&B meeting.

they are asking us to stand down.  Don’t do it.  Don’t yell at the Committee.  Don’t mock the people who’ve come to yell for Hillary.  Don’t wave “Obama ’08” signs in the faces of the DNC R&B Committee members.  Don’t make a fuss they say–go register voters, in Virginia.

I have been asked to relay the message that only those Obama supporters who obtained tickets to sit
inside the meeting should attend.  No outside protests/rallies/gatherings, no matter how peaceful/positive/well-intentioned.

Instead, there will be a counter event held – a voter registration drive!

You are seeing two different candidates and two different kinds of campaigns – one working towards a November victory for Democrats and one working only to satisfy their own thirst for power. This is about respect versus intimidation and playing by the rules or playing to win by any means necessary.